🎯 Description

Hellenes are the modern goddesses. They are angels, demons, fairies, or sometimes childhood dolls trapped in the symmetry dimension. These fantastic and dreamy creatures are silent and unreachable. They avoid direct eye contact with the audience yet showcase the most substantial power.

πŸ“… Mint Time

23rd November

🧩 Count

900 pcs

πŸ’Έ Price Floor

15 USD

πŸ”— Social Links

Twitter > 10.000 flwrs
Discord > 38.000 flwrs
19 days later

Yeah, those look really cool. With 38.000 on Discord the project looks incredibly solid and the art is also on point. What only botheres me is low Twitter activity, so stay aware.

This collection looks very worthy. I’m sure it has promise. It’s worth a closer look.

Project has been launched, so the system added the tags and removed the tags .

looks chic to me, girls all like))))

22 days later
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