What is an NFT?
A Non-Fungible Token is an asset, which can’t be replaced with another asset. Sounds complicated, but the thing itself is a lot simpler, than it seems at first.
For example, your pet. Is it a cat or a dog - no animal can replace your pet, they don’t mean as much, as the original to you.
It is same with the value NFTs. Every project has a history or an idea, that can’t be faked by anyone other than the creator.
The basics are clear now, but what exactly is a token?
A token could be anything, that was digitalized and plased into blockchain for maintenance. Your name, a record of your voice, a random photograph - everything, just make it digital and store it in blockchain.
But why would I use blockchain, instead of regular servers as storage?
Unlike big serves, blockchain is decentralized. Each operation is carried by different computer. That means information, used in operations can’t be faked or destroyed. Another advantage is that no transactions are off-shore. The market is visible to every user - no matter are you a token holder or not.
Does that mean NFTs are just images, transferring from one PC to another?
No, they aren’t. Unfortunately, blockchain technology has one significant flaw - the volume of information, that could be stored in it is quite small.
However, NFT creators have found their way around - the data about tokens is still kept in stationary data bases, but the owner rights are held in decentralized systems.
The article leaves lots of questions, such as: “Why can’t i just copy the token from the data base?” or “Owners rights can be easily stolen, if they move from one user’s machine to another - where is the safert, you were talking about?”
More info about the technology is available in the second part of the introduction.
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