Sometimes we need a tool to check some transactions or smart contracts or wallet adress or something another. Sometimes we need an advanced tool to do it. Actually almost all of you know about Etherscan’s existence and even use it sometime but many of you don’t even imagine how multifuctional it is. In this article we’ll show you some of advanced features you can use while working with Etherscan to do some harder tasks.
About Etherscan and it’s features
Etherscan is a very trusted and popular tool for discovering open source data on the ETH blockchain. Many of it’s users consider Etherscan the best service for this tasks. It consists of public transaction information, wallets, smart contracts, info about tokens and much more. The project has very competent team of industry proffesionals and developers. As we pointed, Etherscan has a lot of advanced features. Let’s talk about them:
Track Wallets
You can see a time, an adresses and a reason of any transactions. Also, you can find information about does the wallet exist on the blockchain. Actually most of the people use only this ability of Etherscan while making simple tasks.
Sometimes working backwards is really helpful to find needed sources or smart contracts. Very often there is a trail left on-chain. You might be able to connect one address to another that funded it, confirming legitimacy of the source.
Filter Transactions
Etherscan makes you being able to filter a history of transaction for any ERC-20 adress or NFT you wish. And this feature has it’s own custom settings.
Read Contracts
If verified, you will be allowed to read the information about source code underneath the contract section of any smart contract. You can check and analys the metadata of a NFT using tokenID and find the owner after that.
Search Smart Contracts
If you are looking for the good working search engine for smart contracts, Etherscan can help you a lot because it’s mechanism works really great when you need to dig for alpha.
Etherscan Code Viewer
Try changing the URL-link from .io to next time analysing any adress on Etherscan, and it’ll open up a window in Visual Studio with the code you were discovering so that you can explore it.
Make Transactions
When you have to be fast, but other services aren’t working the way they should, you can use Etherscan. It will provide a great service for making transactions on different smart contracts, for any connected wallet. Click on the “write contract” button to view your options.
Explore Token Data
Here you can find full information about any single token you want to explore. It can be very useful for making advansed analisys or discovering the token for your own interest.
Etherscan is a very powerful tool when you need to check and analysis not only wallets and transaction using them, but also smart contracts, token data and even code. It means that you don’t need some extraordinary applications or programs knowledge to aggregate different information about smart contracts or any other data that you can explore. When you know just some basic tools like Etherscan, you can handle all of the necessary tasks and even more