🎯 Description

AAA is a answer to ordinary mass-produced NFT projects. AntiApeAssociation™ rejects copying other profitable projects that rely on short-term hype. Project mission is to solve untold troubles of NFTs such as coinciding non-rare items or depending on actions of others to make a profit.

📅 Launch Time (UTC)

1st March

🛠 Network


🧩 Sector

NFT Collection

🎾 Quantity

11.111 pcs

💸 Floor price

0.1 ETH

🔗 Social Links

Website l Twitter l Discord

Piggybank launch with a global event. NFT burns are initiated thanks to Piggybank™. USDT earnings are distributed across AAA holders.

8 days later

if devs really put funds into marketing, then we can make a bag here - this art is amazing!! 😍😍

they are doing a give away now on twitter, lets goo boys! 😃

a month later
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